Tutu helper iOS 10.3.1

Tutu Helper iOS 10.3.1 is supported out of the box and doesn’t require any update on your tutu helper installation. Apple Released iOS 10.3.1 few hours ago with security fixes and support for iPhone 5 and iPhone 5C. It has been reported that Apple is stopping the support for 32 bit phones, 5 and 5C are the last Apple phones to sport the older 32 bit A6 chip in this. The New update fixes the issues with Wifi, according to which hackers within the wifi range of your device can gain access to the wifi chip. So, all being said iOS 10.3.1 is a must upgrade for security reasons. Since the latest version of iOS has only these changes, Tutu Helper for iOS 10.3.1 needs to upgrade. But if you have not installed it yet, following are the ways you can install Tutu helper [About] on your iOS 10.3.1 device. For those who don’t know Tutu helper is a app installer for iOS and Android, which allows you to download and install modified apps and games on your device without jailbreak or root.

Image : Tutu Helper iOS 10.3.1


Download Tutu Helper on iOS 10.3.1 :

Below are the steps to install tutu helper on iPhone and iPad running iOS 10.3.1, two methods are listed below.

Method 1 : Safari Browser

  1. Open up Safari on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Visit tutuhelper.com and tap on go.
  3. Once the site loads up, tap on the UP arrow key at the bottom center for iPhone and top right corner for iPad.
  4. You will be presented with few options, tap on Add to Home Screen.
  5. Now, tap on Add on the top right corner.
  6. Tutu Helper will be added to your iOS 10.3.1 device home screen ready to use.

Video: Watch this to see the steps in action.

Method 2 : Tutu Helper Profile download

  1. Start Safari and visit this [ link ] tutuhelper-ios-10.3.1-profile-1
  2. Wait a few seconds and safari will ask for permission to install Tutu helper. Tap on Install.
  3. The settings app will pop up, enter your device passcode.
  4. Once again tap on Install.
  5. Now tap on Next > Install.
  6. Tap on Install on the confirmation page.
  7. Now tap on Next > Install.
  8. And finally Install > Done.

Tutu helper will be installed on your home screen, just close safari tap on the tutu helper icon.

Tutu Helper Install Problem and fixes :

Tutu Helper is the most popular app out there due to its simple interface and error free execution, but from time to time you may face some other problems. Here are their possible solutions.

  • When you install Tutu Helper on iOS 10.3.1, you get Profile Installation Failed error. Just follow the link for fix.
  • You successfully installed Tutu helper on your device but non of the downloaded apps or games work. In that case, goto Settings app > General > Profile. Scroll down for the tutu helper profile and tap on Trust.

Which one do you prefer tutu helper without jailbreak or Cydia with jailbreak, let us know in the comments below. For more updates, join us on Facebook.

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