Tutu Helper iOS 10.3.2

As we all know that iOS without a jailbreak is not actually complete, Tutu Helper iOS 10.3.2 is what you need right now. The jailbreak community is eagerly waiting for a successful iOS jailbreak but the chances are very thin, without cydia you cannot install customized apps and tweaks to your iOS phone or tablet. We got some good news, you can install Tutu Helper on iOS 10.3.2 iPhone iPod Touch or iPad. With Tutu Helper [About] you can get the same features of cydia like games and apps that you want to download on your device. Popular games like Pokemon Go, Clash Royale and many more are available for free in Tutu Helper app. The best part is that tutu helper for iOS iOS 10.3.2 doesn’t require you to jailbreak your device, meaning you safe from doing anything wrong with your phone or tablet.

Image : Tutu Helper iOS 10.3.2 Download


How to Download Tutu Helper on iOS 10.3.2 :

Below are two methods using which you can install tutu helper on your device, go with the one you like.

Method 1 : Safari

  1. Tap on Safari Browser on your phone or tablet to open it.
  2. Go to the web address tutuhelper.com
  3. When the mobile page loads up, tap on the UP key on top right corner for iPad and center bottom on iPhone, iPod touch.
  4. A list of options will pop up, select Add to Home Screen.
  5. In the next window, Tap on the Add button on the top right corner.
  6. Safari browser will automatically exit, if not close safari and you will have tutu helper on your home screen ready for use.

Video : This shows the steps in action.

Method 2 : Configuration Profile for tutu helper

  1. Start Safari browser and tap on this [link] tutuhelper-ios-10.3.2-profile-1
  2. This will load the Tutu helper profile, tap on Install.
  3. Now your phone or tablet will ask for your passcode.
  4. Enter your passcode and proceed with Install.
  5. Once again tap on Install for confirmation.
  6. Now Tap on Next and Install.
  7. Finally go to install  > Done.
  8. Tutu Helper will be available on your device for use.

Tutu Helper Installation Error :

If you face any problem installing tutu helper here are some fixes to try:

  • For any profile related errors, check Profile Installation Failed
  • Downloaded apps don’t work, in this case go to Settings > General > profile and enable Trust for Tutu helper Profile. All Apps and games will run smoothly.

Let us know in the comments below which method worked for you, most of our readers got success with method 1. Tell us yours in the comments below, for more updates and information join us on Facebook.

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